25 Inspiring Travel Quotes from “The Directions to Happiness”


Travel quotes are those intrepid one-liners we scrawl in our dirty notebook, cut up and tape to our The Directions to Happinessmirror, or in extreme cases, tattoo onto our ass. Travel quotes remind us why we’re chosen the open road instead of, say, the cubicle.

Travel quotes remind us why we’ve chosen the open road instead of, say, the cubicle. They good fodder for those days when we’re holed up on our beds wondering what exotic parasites have colonized us.

I found Bruce Northam’s new book “The Directions to Happiness” (the author who wrote the intro to mine) to be the sort of reads that finds you stopping frequently to wonder, “Where the hell did I put my pen?” so that I could write some of these intrepid travel quotes down for future inspiration.



  • “Traveling creates a divine opportunity to reinvent yourself”.

  • “You can create a collage of four or five domestic stamps, making the unsung side of postcards a mosaic of imported art.”

  • “The enlightened never figure out who is teaching and who is learning.”

  • “At the core of travel is asking strangers questions.”

  • “It took the first man to walk around the world four years, three months, and six days to complete his journey—about the same amount of time it takes for keen students to graduate college.”


  • “At the end of the day though, sometimes all the guidance you need is found waiting on a random street corner.”

  • “Pen and paper never lose battery power, and they’re discreet. You’d be surprised by the

    lesson-sharing moments you’ve witnessed and forgotten because you didn’t jot them down.”

  • “Traveling makes people feel better not just because of the escapades to be had in new horizons, but also because we’re re-triggered to share our life story—and hear someone else’s.”

  • “Kids are unpaid pros at keeping boredom at bay.”

  • “It’s not necessary to be rich to experience the best of what our world has to offer.”


  • “Nobody learns how to be a writer, nor a traveler. You make it happen.”

  • “Prevailing human instinct is often diluted by self-consciousness.”

  • Don looked at me and said, ‘Your best teacher is your last mistake.'”

  • “In an effort to dodge routine, I invent a new quest for every place I visit.”

  • “Dancing and lovemaking are two lingering quarters where humans can still be the animals they are by design.”

Read On The Wild Side

  • “Broadminded non-political solutions to the continuous warfare creeping into every shade of our planet won’t see the light until more travelers meet.”

  • “As you may expect, career travelers are often good at—or at least insistent upon—holding court, especially around tables of food or drink.”

  • “Patriotism should be redefined as improving every country, not just our own.”

  • “Give the hushed a voice—by listening”

  • “Sometimes we don’t even realize our favorite moments until they’ve passed.”


  • “The real measure of wealth is how much you’d be worth if you lost all your money.”

  • “Seize moments, set your gypsy blood afire, and discover insights you can’t find online.”

  • “I propose traveling as a poorest—gravitating to each country’s impoverished regions, because they need the cash and that’s often where the real fun hides.”

  • “There will be moments when you don’t know if you can visit a certain place. . . there will be a lifetime of knowing that you did.”

  • “If someone else’s’ barricades confine you, don’t surrender the lesson connected to it. Unsettling things happen. Move on. “