
We change and grow by changing our surroundings—by challenging ourselves to go off into the unknown.Outside your door there is a world to explore. There are people to meet and places to discover. There are things to learn—about the world and about you. The open road is for everyone—young and old, timid and bold.

Travel the world throughout your life. But if you can, travel when you’re still young (or young-ish). Travel while romance floats in the air. When places like Egypt, France, South America, Australia, etc., are not just destinations, but options.

Travel the world because you can. Travel because most people can’t, or couln’t. Travel because you live at a time in history when distance is merely a detail. A few clicks and you have acheived the miracle of flight.


 You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.
~ Ray Bradbury

Storytelling reveals meaning without committing the error of defining it.
~Hannah Arendt

Write down the thoughts of the moment.  Those that come unsought for are commonly the most valuable.  ~Francis Bacon

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.

~Ernest Hemingway (likely said when he was hung-over)


Luke Maguire Armstrong was a baby, who became a boy, who became a man. One he fought a bear. Haters later said it was “only a raccoon” and he was acting like “a little girl.” But he knows the truth, it was a baby bear and he was wearing a mask.

  After finishing degrees in philosophy and English in Chile, Luke, who feels like Sibyl typing this in the third person,  backpacked from Chile to Guatemala, where he spent four years as Social Service Director for development organization Nuestros Ahijados. These efforts were featured on the 2010 ABC News Global Health Special: Be the Change, Save a Life.

After trading editor-in-chief  Matt Stabile a rookie Bo Jackson card, Luke became a managing editor for TheExpeditinoer.com. He is the author of “iPoems for the Dolphins to Click Home About” (2010) and “How We Are Human” (2012). He has survived two raccoon attacks to date.  Currently he is in New York City, trying to figure out which bars literary agents go to drink whiskey with one and convince him/preferably her on his novel How One Guitar Will Save The World.