An Open Letter to Wanderers

Dear Wanderer,

Did you know when you set out that this was not the sort of journey that would end?


Did you imagine that traveling on roads built by man would lead you to embark on the roads within humans were made to trod?


Of course, along my way, you’ll turn to poetry, where in the rich lather of linguistic love you’ll find an intimacy not unlike when bodies merge to chart new territories hidden within the intricacies of offered intention, opened by the humble beckoning of the horizons we never fully reach.


Keep going, though you will never arrive where you think you’re headed. Each step towards your Shangri-La will shape you in ways nothing else can.


The more you learn and see, the less you’ll have to say, but the more each word will matter.


How do you convince a king the beggar in front of his walls has a happiness he will never hold? How do you tell a young man running to the horizon that everyone you’ve met there wishes against all possibility to return to stand on the ground he races over?


We are not unlike the dew that decorates each new day, appearing one morning out of thin air, warming as the sun rises and then disappearing into the light.


Thanks for popping by. If you enjoy this land, feel free to give a lil tip to the Integral Heart kids in Guatemala and check out my books on Amazon 🙂