Tag Archive for Guatemala

Broken Guitars in Guatemala and Adventures With El Mariachi

Sometimes positive outcomes of negative occurrences cannot be ignored. Like when tragedy at SeaWorld leads to a drop in attendance. In my last post, I wrote about how Spirit Airlines was the worst when they broke international law just so they could break my guitar. Spirit Airlines is to the airline industry what SeaWorld is…

Smuggling Butterflies out of Guatemala: What Homeschooling Taught Me

People do different things for different reasons, and in different ways. That’s why you can’t put homeschoolers into one defined category. From the misguided homeschooling parents who fed one their son only lettuce and watermelon because they thought he was the reincarnation of Christ—I am not making that up—to the ones who do it because…

Chicharones Explained

First, what aren’t they? They aren’t something that is very nice for pigs, who forfeit their lives so that you can chow down of their succulent fried deliciousness (vegans, just stop reading right now, it gets worse) that becomes their skin when cut into little bits and thrown into hot oil, and is fried and…

Why We Are So Blessed

You and I, we are blessed. We are blessed because I am writing this on a $1,000 laptop and you are reading it on a device likely costing more than what much of the world hopes to earn in a year. We are blessed because when we were young a basic education was a forced…

Leaving Antigua

I return to Antigua to recharge, remember, rediscover, and to discover. When you leave, a part of you, a real presence remains. A tree seen from distant angles of perspective is my metaphor for my life past and present in Antigua, Guatemala. When I first moved to Antigua, Guatemala in 2008, my view from my…

The Most Dangerous Kids Game Ever

It’s a bit hypocritical of me to write tonight about the recklessness of others. Should I pretend that I did not just return from participating in a bit of stupidity myself? Yes. The person to blame is the sun. The mother of all life on Earth was in a big hurry to set today. I…

The Mariachis In The Storm

You don’t think about these things until they happen, and having just experienced it, I realize that being holed up in a Guatemalan village eatery while wild rain runs river-ish in the street is greatly enhanced when a mariachi band is holed up in the same joint. Reflecting on it, I would like to change…

Fixing Ass Holes In Guatemala

I have a mysterious problem with my pants that makes very little sense to me or anyone I question. Other people’s pants seem to degrade in various ways. Holes in the knee, frayed ends, a broken zipper—these are the usual symptoms that takes people’s pants out of commission. During my question of people I discovered…

What Can A Mountain Teach Us?

Mountains can teach us plenty.  In Morocco, a mountain taught me that I was an idiot for climbing it, since it almost resulted in my falling from it. In Chile’s La Campana Parque National, my friends and I learned after camping on a mountain that we should have packed more water and less wine. Most…