Tag Archive for travel tips

Work Abroad: How To Travel Around The World Without ATM Withdrawals

Work abroad to extend your trip indefinitely Travelers Search for Traveling Jobs Each month about 8,100 travelers search Google for “traveling jobs.” They are searching for a way to balance their wanderlust with work abroad that will finance their globetrotting. Each month, 8,100 travelers look for work abroad, dreaming of getting paid to travel. Imagine…

Travel Packing Tips: Envy The Turtles

People envy turtles because they do not have an existential crisis every time they visit a neighboring pond. Turtles do not need travel packing tips because a turtle’s packing checklist is simple: 1) Are all my limbs attached? 2) Is there anything nearby that wants to eat me? Like turtles, location independent people carry their…

Caring for Your Guitar on The Road: 5 Steps

5. Thou Shalt Not Give A Rat’s Rash About Thy Guitar The most important consideration in caring for your guitar while traveling, is not caring about your guitar. Buy thyself a guitar from eBay, Craigslist, or the classifieds on the cheap. If there is one musical instrument that corners the used musical instrument market, it…

The Travel Tip That Will Change Your Life

Always roll one jar of peanut butter and two packs of tortillas deep Fact: You need to eat. Another Fact: Soon you will be hungry again. Starvation does not look nice on you because you have those irregular shaped rips. When traveling you have a plethora of priorities to keep tract of. Eating, your first pastime, can…

5 Essential Items You Never Think To Bring When You Travel

You’re far away from home. Your in, we’ll say, the jungle. Lost in the jungle and forging for food. (Don’t eat the green beetles!) It’s about now that you wish you had a lot of things you probably didn’t pack on a trip. Things that are so versatile, they can help you deal with wardrobe…